Category Archives: SC Bar Pro Bono Program

Letter writing

If you have a few hours a month and are willing to learn how to correspond with prisoners, we have the project for you. Working under the direction of a staff attorney at the SC Bar volunteers will research and prepare responses to letters from prisoners.  This is a great way to put those research and drafting skills into action. Yes, this is suitable for 1L’s. The letters will range from complaints about the system, the food to claims of innocence ( often with case law citations!)

Time commitment: 1-2 hours a month. After the initial meeting the lawyer much of the work can be done offsite and at a time convenient to you.

A perfect way to hone writing and issue spotting skills

Contact the Pro Bono Program today to get started:

Summer Friday Blitz

Yes, it is hot outside!  Come in and cool off on August 3rd (anytime from 1:30-5) at the SC Bar Building to help us respond to questions posted online by members of the public. The goal: get the backlog down to ZERO!

  1. I can assure you that you will learn something
  2. I promise a laugh or two
  3. I promise an extra special summer food treat
  4. Here is the link to sign up!

Beaufort Co. Blitz

On June 16th, Sarah Efird ( 3L) , Gabe Strenk ( 2L)  and Lashawnda Woods- Roberts ( 3L)  traveled to Bluffton, SC to join members of the Beaufort Co. Bar Association and Robin Wheeler, Director, SC Bar Pro Bono Program in a Friday Blitz!  Friday Blitz’s are team efforts to address the backlog of questions posted by the public to the SC Bar’s online Q & A site.  The team responded to over 150 questions, many of them in the family law area but also touching landlord-tenant, probate and school law issues.  Job well done team! Thanks to Molly Day for hosting us!